Amidst the summer splendor of 2023, the tranquil waters off the California coast have witnessed an unforeseen contest between marine officials and a spirited sea otter named 841. As the delightful antics of this playful surfboard-stealing otter raise eyebrows among beachgoers, surfers in Santa Cruz, California find themselves at the center of an unusual twist in their beloved surfing scene. Though at first glance, it appears to be a lighthearted and amusing spectacle, beneath the surface lies a bittersweet backstory.
The Free Spirit With a History
Otter 841’s journey begins with her mother, Otter 723. She was orphaned and raised in captivity. After being released back into the ocean, Otter 723’s interactions with people offering squid led to her seeking food from kayaks, ultimately leading to her recapture. Otter 723 gave birth to Otter 841 under the care of the Marine Wildlife Veterinary Care and Research Center in Santa Cruz. The Monterey Bay Aquarium caretakers took extra precautions while releasing Otter 841 into the wild, ensuring the young otter was not influenced by human interactions.
A Quirky Surfboard Hijacker
Despite initial success, Otter 841’s interactions with surfers, kayakers, and paddle boarders have become a recurring issue in the past few summers. Videos on social media captured her bold surfboard-stealing antics, raising concerns among the public and authorities.

California Fish and Wildlife Service (CFWS) officials have taken the situation seriously due to potential public safety risks. While there’s no evidence of any malicious event, the fear of potential harm to humans has prompted efforts to capture and rehome the otter in a safer environment.
The Race Against Time
As the CFWS and Monterey Bay Aquarium work together in pursuit to recapture Otter 841, they aim to rehome her in a suitable habitat where she can thrive without posing risks to human safety.

If her interactions were to escalate and endanger humans, the state would be left with no choice but to take drastic measures.