Adorable Abominable Snow Monster
If you live for Christmas nostalgia, odds are you watch the old Christmas claymation movies from the ‘60s and ‘70s every year. One such classic is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, where we meet the cutest abominable snow monster ever.

We totally understand the look of excitement on this guy’s face, because being compared to the abominable snow monster is a huge compliment. This earns a rating of 8 out of 10 on the “fans thrilled with the comparison” scale.
King Henry VIII Reincarnated
You don’t have to be British to know who King Henry VIII is. Surely you’ve seen one of the millions of movies and TV shows made about his wild life with his six wives who all met unfortunate ends.

We’re not sure if he’s making that face because he’s displeased, or because he’s trying to look like the portrait, but it just makes the comparison that much better. This earns a 9 out of 10 on the “I’m a grumpy guy” scale.
The Real Santa Clause
Speaking of classic, nostalgic Christmas movies, the 1994 hit The Santa Clause is one of the most magical Christmas movies you could watch. Everyone loves seeing Scott Calvin’s crazy transformation.

This man looks absolutely thrilled to be compared to Scott Calvin, but we’ve got to give it a 3 out of 10 on the lookalike scale. Now, if they had put a photo of the actual Santa Claus, this comparison would’ve earned a 9. Because… look at him!
This Is the Way
Some TV characters turn into massive pop culture phenomena. The most recent one is Baby Yoda. That’s not even his name, yet pretty much everyone knows who he is whether they’ve watched The Mandolorian or not.

This was Star Wars fan day at the stadium, and the only thing cuter than Baby Yoda is this little kid’s face. We’ve got to give this a 10 out of 10 on the “can’t help but smile when you see it” scale.
No Clean Like Mr. Clean
Mr. Clean is one of those characters that most people recognize, but they don’t necessarily know why. He’s the mascot for cleaning products, particularly the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, which can tackle just about any dirty surface.

We’re not sure who looks tougher- Mr. Clean, or the guy being compared to him. We’ll give this comparison a 6 out of 10 on the “looks like he could kick some butt” scale.
A Cheap Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso is a TV show about an American football coach who goes to manage a British soccer team. If you haven’t seen it, don’t worry, neither have we. But someone thought this fan looked a bit like him.

A mustache does not a lookalike make, so we’re going to have to give this one a 2 out of 10 on the lookalike scale. At least the fan doesn’t look upset over the comparison. There’s always a bright side!
Somewhat Like Tom Holland
After Tom Holland became the new Spider-Man in the movie franchise, he gained quite a lot of new fans, particularly among the ladies. So it’s no surprise that someone being compared to him would be very flattered.

This guy looks straight-up thrilled, and we can’t blame him. We’re not so sure how much he looks like Tom beyond the glasses and a somewhat similar haircut, though, so we’ll give this one a 4 out of 10.
A New Simba
Hakuna Matata means no worries for the rest of your days, and worries are the last thing sports fans at hockey matches have on their minds, especially when they’re getting compared to Simba.

Can you feel the love tonight? We sure can, just by looking at this guy’s face. Simba is pretty awesome, and there’s nothing a man likes more than people noticing his beard. This earns an 8 out of 10 on the “absolutely thrilled” scale.
A Very Malcontent Ralphie
If you’ve ever flipped through the TV guide on Christmas day, odds are you’ve noticed that there’s always a channel playing A Christmas Story over and over. That’s because it’s a Christmas classic for many families.

This Ralphie lookalike has got the grumpy Ralphie face down pat. His glasses are too narrow and he’s not fluffy enough, though, so we’ll rate this one a 4 out of 10.
Hermey the Misfit Elf
The claymation Christmas classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer graces this list again, but this time it’s Hermey the Elf who dreams of being a dentist and is also apparently a big hockey fan.

They’re a couple of misfits, these two, but they’re adorable misfits. We’re not sure that the lookalike looks much like Hermey physically, but we give the comparison a 10 out of 10 on the “perfect hair swoop” scale.
Zendaya’s Hair Twin
More and more men these days are growing their hair out. It’s great that they’re getting to experience the fun of having long hair in the same way women do, especially women like Zendaya, who’s rarely caught with the same hairstyle twice.

He may not be too happy to be compared to a woman, but he should be because Zendaya is a goddess and we’re all just living in her world. This gets a 10 out of 10 on the “fan’s not pleased” scale.
Planes, Trains and Del Griffith
When it comes to lookalikes, sometimes the staff searching the crowd finds someone who’s absolutely perfect. That’s what happened with this photo of Del Griffith from Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

This comparison deserves a 10 out of 10 on the lookalike scale, and also a 10 out of 10 on the “absolutely thrilled” scale. This guy couldn’t be happier to appear on the big screen, and that happiness has rubbed off on us.
Kurt Cobain Reincarnated
The world lost a great musician when it lost Kurt Cobain. The lead singer of Nirvana had a massive fan base, and for good reason, since Nirvana released loads of hit songs. Cobain’s long blonde hair was pretty iconic too.

We can see how someone spotted this kid’s hair and thought, “That’s giving serious Kurt vibes.” Unfortunately, we have to give it a 2 out of 10 on the “lacking the appropriate facial hair” scale.
Lil Nas X the Second
Lil Nas X is a rapper who has made huge waves in the music industry over the last few years. Whether you’re a fan or not, odds are you’d recognize him if you saw a picture of him.

This fan took his horse to the hockey stadium instead of the old town road, and we’re not so sure he’s happy to be compared to the rapper. Maybe that’s because he doesn’t look much like him, which is why we’ll rate this a 2 out of 10.
Chewbacca’s Human Counterpart
Chewbacca is one of those characters that everyone knows and loves, even if they aren’t fans of the Star Wars franchise. It’s hard not to love something that looks like a combination of Sasquatch and a Yorkie.

That’s why this guy is so happy to see his luscious locks compared to Chewbacca’s. Chewie may not have a soul patch like this guy, but this comparison earns a 10 out of 10 on the awesomeness scale anyway.
Someone Like Marv
The lookalike crew decided to throw some villains into the mix, and since a lot of the lookalikes revolve around Christmas characters, they looked for someone who looks like Marv from Home Alone.

We’re not so sure they were successful in their search, though. Aside from poofy hair, these two don’t have much in common. We’ll give them a 6 out of 10 on the “at least you tried” scale.
A 4D Whitey Duvall
Most popular winter holiday movies revolve around Christmas. People know that there are other celebrations around this time, like Hanukkah, but rarely do you see movies about them. At least, that was until Eight Crazy Nights came out.

Whitey Duvall is a beloved character from the film, and this man definitely seems to embody the spirit of Whitey. If Whitey weren’t animated we’re pretty sure he’d be this man, so we give this a 10 out of 10.
Silver, Gold, and Burl
The third character from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer appears in the form of Sam the Snowman, which means that either the movie is extremely popular, or those in charge of the lookalike cam just really love it.

Either way, this beloved character is voiced by Burl Ives, and this man’s smile definitely reminds us of Burl. We’ll give this lookalike a 7 out of 10 because we haven’t heard him sing.
Alan Garner’s Wolf Pack
The Hangover was a huge comedy hit when it came out in 2009, and one of the best parts was the weird quotes from Zach Galifianakis’ character, Alan Garner. He was definitely one of the funniest parts of the film.

As far as being an all-around lookalike, we’re not so sure we’d give it to this guy. However, his beard is spot on, and for that, he earns a 10 out of 10 on the “epic facial hair” scale.
The Old School Obi-Wan
When most people think of Obi-Wan Kenobi, they probably think of Ewan McGregor, especially now that the TV series of the same name and starring McGregor has come out on Disney+. But before him, came Alec Guinness.

Honestly, aside from the white hair, we don’t see a comparison here at all. It seems the lookalike team was really reaching on this one. Maybe all the fans in the crowd that day just looked too generic. This gets a 2 out of 10.
A Less Surprised Kevin McCallister
Even if you haven’t seen Home Alone, you probably know that the main character, played by Macaulay Culkin, was a clever kid who got left- shockingly- home alone and had to ward off burglars.

Sure, appearance-wise this kid looks a bit like good ol’ Kevin, but what makes it a more accurate comparison is the fact that he appears to be sitting alone, just like poor Kevin was left home alone. For that, it earns a 9 out of 10.
Jason’s Younger Self
Jason is the creepy killer from the Friday the 13th movie franchise. It’s doubtful that anyone would enjoy being considered his lookalike unless they were attending a Halloween costume party.

Considering Jason’s mask is actually a hockey mask, it’s not that surprising to see a kid at a hockey match wearing one. But since the movie has basically ruined hockey masks, we give this an 8 out of 10 on the creepiness scale.
Fake Deepfake Tom Cruise
Deepfakes are doppelgangers that are made by AI who look and sound like other people; in this case, like actor Tom Cruise. A lookalike actor went viral for some TikTok videos pretending to be the real Cruise.

This hockey fan isn’t even getting compared to the real Tom, he’s getting compared to the deepfake Tom, which is pretty funny and feels pretty meta. This gets an 8 out of 10 on the “Tomception” scale.
Surprised Yukon Cornelius
Yet another iconic character from the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer claymation film is the arctic prospector by the name of Yukon Cornelius. He’s one of many characters who help Rudolph along his journey.

While this guy is just as cute and cuddly as Yukon is, he lacks that tough guy appeal that Yukon has. He’s nailed the excited Yukon face, though, and for that, we give him a 6 out of 10.
A Turbotastic King Candy
Anyone who’s a fan of video game nostalgia should definitely watch Wreck-It Ralph. The movie is full of video game references and nods to arcade culture. One major character in the film is King Candy.

This man has got the eyebrows and hair for King Candy, but we’d need to see his nose after being stung by a bee to know for sure whether the comparison is legit. Due to that, we give it a 5 out of 10.
A Rotten Scut Farkus
Movies featuring children are nothing without an over-the-top bully or two, and in A Christmas Story, that bully takes the form of Scott “Scut” Farkus. He’s a creepy kid who likes to bully Ralphie and his friends any chance he gets.

This kid looks pretty embarrassed to be told he looks like Scut, and we can’t blame him. We’d be embarrassed too to be compared to bad characters just because you’re a ginger. Without the fur hat, this earns a 4 out of 10.
Doug Heffernan of Queens
The King of Queens is one of many sitcoms that people watched in the early 2000s when there was nothing else on TV. The main character in the show was Doug Heffernan, played by Kevin James.

The best part of this comparison is the pout on the hockey fan’s face, which perfectly embodies the pout on Doug’s face in the comparison photo. It earns this lookalike a 7 out of 10 on the “spot-on facial expressions” scale.
Bran the Broken’s Brother
It’s been long enough since Game of Thrones ended that we can all admit that we never expected Bran Stark to end up king of the seven kingdoms. We also never expected him to attend a hockey match.

This kid definitely gives off Stark vibes, but we’re not sure if we could call him Bran’s lookalike. He could be a fraternal twin brother or something, though. We’ll give him a 7 out of 10 on the “they could be related” scale.
Grumpy Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos is, quite frankly, filthy freakin’ rich. As the founder of Amazon and knowing Amazon’s success nowadays, you can imagine why he’s the billionaire that he is. That smug look on his face just proves it.

The look on this guy’s face says, “Sure, my head may be shaped like Jeff’s, but my bank account looks nothing like his!” He’s also lacking Jeff’s eyebrows, so we’ll give this one a 4 out of 10.
It’s-ah Me, Mario
If Nintendo has done anything right, it’s creating absolutely iconic characters. Game franchises like Animal Crossing, Pokémon, and Mario are well-known by people around the world. That little red hat has got to be one of the most recognizable symbols ever.

We aren’t surprised that this guy looks happy to be compared to the likes of Mario since Mario is adorable and well-loved. But where they both really shine is in the mustache department, which earns this lookalike a 5 out of 10.
Carrie, Not Bradshaw
Stephen King is well known for his creepy, scary, horror books and movies. One of those is Carrie, a story about a girl who’s bullied at school over and over until she finally snaps.

Where this comparison works is in the long, luscious hair with a middle part. She also looks like she could do the Carrie smile pretty well. We’ll give it a 6 out of 10 on the “we guess they look somewhat alike” scale.
Doge as a Human
If you still don’t really GET cryptocurrency, then don’t worry, because neither do we. Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that was started in order to make fun of Bitcoin but it became so much more, thanks to Reddit.

We suppose they chose this lookalike due to his fluffy hair and killer side eye, which does make him look a tad like the Dogecoin Shiba Inu. We’ll give this a 7 out of 10 on the “it’s a stretch, but it’s creative” scale.
Carly From the Reboot
The early 2000s were all about Disney Channel and Nickelodeon for kids and tweens. Series like Zoey 101 and iCarly appealed to independent young girls everywhere for their sassy female leads.

iCarly is clearly on people’s minds since the reboot in 2021, hence this comparison. She’s got similar eyes, eyebrows, and long silky hair to Miranda Cosgrove, so this lookalike earns an 8 out of 10.
Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow
It’s hard not to have a crush on Scarlett Johansson. She’s a great actress, she’s gorgeous, and she pulls off just about any hair color well. She even joined the MCU as Black Widow.

We don’t see this one at all, honestly. She doesn’t have red or long hair, her face shape is completely different, and even her eyes look different. The girl is beautiful, but as far as lookalikes, this gets a 0 out of 10.
Comeback Brendan Fraser
Brendan Fraser was Hollywood’s sweetheart in the 1990s and early 2000s, until his sudden disappearance. He’s making a huge, well-supported comeback now, and getting more love from fans than ever before.

That’s probably why this guy looks so flattered to be compared to him. We wonder if the people in his life love him as much as fans love Brendan. We have to rate this a 10 out of 10 on the “makes your heart happy” scale.
Tiger Queen Carole Baskin
During 2020, most people were desperately looking for ways to entertain themselves, which led to several massive cultural phenomena. One of those phenomena was the swift rise (and fall) of Tiger King.

This lady is nothing like Carole Baskin unless she has some secret obsession with big cats that we just don’t know about. We’ll give this a 1 out of 10 on the lookalike scale, only because she looks so happy.
Rich Man Elon Musk
Maybe you know Elon Musk because he’s rich. Maybe you really admire Tesla. Maybe you’ve been following what’s going on with Twitter. Or maybe you’re still trying to pronounce his kids’ names.

Did the lookalike cam crew go home at this point and just put the photos on random? Because the comparison here is pretty weak. Maybe there’s a tiny similarity in the eyes. This earns an 8 out of 10 on the “pretty boring” scale.
Louis “King of Swing” Prima
Louis Leo Prima was known as The King of Swing. He was a hugely popular musician in the mid-1900s. He even voiced King Louie in the animated The Jungle Book.

This guy’s definitely got a winning smile similar to Prima’s, and his face shape and hair are similar, too. This was a solid 9 out of 10 lookalike, even though most people in the crowd probably didn’t know who it was!
Norman “Psycho” Bates
Robert Bloch created the character Norman Bates in his novel Psycho in 1959. Since then, we’ve seen many versions of the character, the more famous being from the 1960 film of the same name.

It’s hard to imagine him as Norman Bates when there’s such a creepy, serious picture of Norman, and then the guy is just grinning like crazy. Because of this, we’ll give it a 6 out of 10 on the “has potential” scale.
Microsoft’s Bill Gates
Bill Gates, like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, is famous for being an entrepreneur who’s filthy stinkin’ rich. He’s the co-founder of tech giant Microsoft, but he’s also known for being a big philanthropist.

This comparison isn’t totally off, but it gives more “Bill Gates in 10 years” vibes than “right now” vibes. So we’ll give it an 8 out of 10 on the “older lookalike” scale and check back with this guy in 10 years.
Ben Affleck, Maybe?
Maybe you know Ben Affleck as a fairly successful actor. Or, if you’re like us, you know him for having dated two different Jennifers, earning the pet name Bennifer not once, but twice.

Maybe this guy is also dating a woman named Jennifer, but that’s where the similarities stop. We’re not sure what it was about this guy that earned him a comparison to Ben Affleck, but he gets a 5 out of 10 on the “ladies will like this comparison” scale.
Joe Exotic the Tiger King
Speaking of Tiger King, the most memorable person from the show was definitely Joe Exotic, and not for good reasons. His quirky personality and appearance made him a bit of a cult fan favorite, though.

This guy has long hair and a similar mustache, so we can kind of see it. Quick, someone take him to get his hair bleached and then bring him back! Then we’ll really know if he’s a true lookalike. He earns a 6 out of 10 for potential.
Curly Carrot Top
You may really only know who Carrot Top is due to his iconic poofy, curly red hair. But it turns out he’s one of the highest-paid comedians, ever, to do a residency in Las Vegas.

This kid looks a little embarrassed to be compared to Carrot Top based on his hair, and we can’t really blame him. We do, however, see similarities in the shape, so it earns a 7 out of 10 on the “hair poof” scale.
A Happy Rick Harrison
Next on our list is a reality TV icon. It’s Rick Harrison from Pawn Stars, which has a whopping 21 seasons. Who knew people would enjoy following the day-to-day of a small pawn shop so much?

This is a pretty solid lookalike, although we’d love to see him without the baseball cap, and also hear a recording of him doing the TV show’s intro voiceover. He earns a 10 out of 10 on the “I’m just happy to be here” scale.
Dave Grohl’s “Pretender”
Being compared to Foo Fighter’s Dave Grohl most certainly isn’t a bad thing! That being said, we don’t think this fan has the musician’s scowl down, just yet.

While this sports fan’s luscious locks are most definitely comparable to Grohl’s, he seems to be simply too smiley of a person to pass for grumpy Dave. We’ll have to give this one a 5 out of 10 on the lookalike scale. But we’ll give it a 9 out of 10 on the “I’m incredibly flattered” scale.
Have you ever been walking down the street and had someone stop you to tell you that you look just like Brad Pitt or Reese Witherspoon? While not all of us can be so lucky, many have famous doppelgangers out there in the world, and this sports team took advantage of that during their hockey matches. Have a look through these lookalikes caught on camera!