Angelina Jolie
Melissa Baizen is just a regular, everyday mom from Wisconsin. Yet, random people constantly ask for her autograph. It turns out those confused fans are mistaking Baizen for another beautiful mother — Angelina Jolie!

Melissa modestly said, “Every time I get the comparison, whether it’s at work, running an errand, or online, it’s very flattering but also hard for me to believe. I think she is absolutely gorgeous and never thought of myself in that respect.”
Taylor Swift
Laura Cadman often gets accused of imitating Taylor Swift’s look. But, in reality, the British student says that T-Swift’s makeup style is the most flattering for her face. That makes sense since Cadman and Swift look so much alike!

The doppelganger explained, “Nothing prompted me to have this look. I am naturally blonde, reasonably tall, and reasonably slim… The rest of my ‘Taylor Swift look’ just consists of classic red lipstick and eyeliner, which I personally think is the most flattering makeup on me.”
Leonardo DiCaprio
Konrad Annerud may look like Leonardo DiCaprio, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy young women’s attention as much as the actor does. The bartender explained, “It can be quite annoying sometimes when people call me Leo instead of my real name.”

He continued, “When I was in Italy this summer I almost felt like shaving my hair off. It was very chaotic; people were yelling ‘Leo’ and wanted to take photos with me all the time. It was one of the craziest things I’ve ever experienced.”
Meghan Markle
Flight attendant Christine Math had been routinely mistaken for Meghan Markle ever since the ex-royal was on Suits. However, now that Markle has become a household name, Math can barely go a single day without hearing about the comparison!

That said, Christine disagrees that she’s the star’s doppelgänger. Instead, she thinks it’s just an issue of one specific similarity. She explained, “Meghan and I are both mixed-race — my dad is African American and Italian and her mom is African American.”
Scarlett Johansson
Ekaterina Shumskaya is a model who’s been told she looks like Scarlett Johansson ever since she was 12 years old. As flattering as such a comparison is, Shumskaya is finding it difficult to pave her own way in modeling, because people keep confusing her with the actress.

Ekaterina explained, “There are people on the internet who confuse me with Scarlett, but I’m not pretending to be her… We just look alike… I want to live my own life, not Scarlett’s.”
Keanu Reeves
Marcos Jeeves (not his real name) not only looks like Keanu Reeves but seems to have a similar good-guy personality type as well. Jeeves insists that he’ll never “use the fact of looking like him [Reeves] to take advantage of any situation.” The resemblance is so freaky, that Facebook even removed Marcos’s account, thinking it was a fake!

The everyday man sued the social media platform and won, so hopefully this mistake won’t happen again. Does anyone else think there’s been a glitch in the Matrix?
Brittany Williams suffers all the drawbacks of being as famous as Beyoncé but, unfortunately, doesn’t have the bank account to match it. Williams says that people constantly approach her for selfies, thinking that she’s Queen Bey.

The Detroiter has said, “I get approached all the time; whether it be on planes, at the airport, or while attending events. I’ve also been chased, had pictures taken of me without my consent, and pranks done without me knowing.”
Priscila Beatrice posted a TikTok of herself impersonating Rihanna, and it garnered so much attention that RiRi herself commented on it! The pop star wanted to know when the next Rihanna album was coming out (don’t we all?) — a question which left Beatrice “crying with emotion.”

The TikToker beamed, “I love it when they say I look like her. Rihanna is a big inspiration to me and so many other women around the world. She’s wonderful!”
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande is one of those celebrities with a signature style, making it pretty easy to imitate her look. If you ever want to dress up as the pop star for Halloween, just throw on some thigh-high boots, put your hair in a high ponytail or half-ponytail, and apply a bit too much spray tan.

If you really want to fool people, though, you’ll have to be Jacky Vasquez. The young woman revealed, “I have been mistaken for Ariana a couple times. People asked me to take pictures with them.”
Ed Sheeran
Ty Jones always wanted to be a famous actor, and he got his wish — at least on the famous front. The young Brit is constantly being confused for another British ginger, Ed Sheeran.

Jones revealed that his non-celebrity life is pretty similar to that of the singer. “I’ve had crazy numbers of fans follow me in Hackney, in London, and in Los Angeles, to the point where the team I was working with have had to help me make a dramatic escape plan.”
Ellinor Hellborg often posts makeup looks inspired by various celebs on her social media. However, it’s her Adele-style photos that really caught the internet’s attention!

Hellborg admitted, “I had thought about looking similar to Adele before, noticing small similarities in our profiles, but I didn’t really think anything of it until people on Instagram started commenting on it.” Ellinor has also tried to imitate Zooey Deschanel’s appearance but wasn’t as successful with it. Either way, Katy Perry’s already got that similarity covered!
Megan Fox
Cláudia Alende is famous for two different reasons… and two different body parts. The actress/singer first gained recognition as the runner-up in Brazil’s 2014 Miss Bum Bum contest. After that, people started noticing Alende’s face — that it looks exactly like Megan Fox’s!

Unfortunately, Cláudia’s “not a big fan at all.” She explained, “I’m ‘Claudia’ and not Megan. I know that this title helped me in the beginning of my career. Megan is a beautiful woman, but now I want to show the world the ‘Claudia’ me.”
Kim Kardashian
The Kardashians are often criticized for promoting cosmetic procedures. However, Kami Osman is one person who doesn’t need any help looking like one of the famous sisters — as she’s naturally a spitting image of Kim Kardashian!

The Instagram model has proudly stated, “I take it as a compliment when people tell me that I look like her!” Despite the flattery, the lookalikes don’t get along. Kami has accused Kim of copying her style, and Kim says Kami is using her for fame. They’re just two peas in a pod!
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga may have been “Born This Way” but so was Amethyst Rose. The Californian joked, “I counted how many Lady Gaga comments I’ve gotten because I always joke that if I had a dollar for every time someone had called me that I’d be rich and it was 677… 677 hypothetical dollars, which is rich to me.”

Rose seems to be serious about trying to make some money off of her Gaga-like look. She has a popular Instagram account in which she imitates the pop star’s photos.
Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell is known for his various talent shows, which open doors for people in Hollywood. Well, it turns out that he’s gotten another up-and-comer some work in Tinseltown! Andy Penfold quit his job as a cleaner in order to become a full-time Simon Cowell impersonator.

Penfold recalled, “I was spotted at The Isle of Wight festival in the VIP area and someone mentioned the likeness. Since then, had the privilege to work with Simon on three occasions.”
Gig Hadid
Iza Ijzerman is a successful model, just like her celebrity lookalike Gigi Hadid! The Dutch beauty realized she’s a doppelgänger of the A-lister when her modeling agency used the resemblance as a marketing strategy.

Ijzerman revealed, “When I signed with MiLK, they posted a picture with the caption ‘The new curvy Gigi Hadid,’ so that’s the moment I realized it might be true!” Interestingly, Iza thinks she looks more like the other Hadid sister, Bella.
Katy Perry
Francesca Brown didn’t realize she resembles Katy Perry until she traveled to the USA from her native England. Brown reminisced, “I was standing, waiting to go into a club in Vegas and, this guy came over who was security.”

She continued, “He was like, ‘Don’t wait. Follow us’ […] I was speaking to them and, obviously, I have a British accent. They’re looking really confused and then someone said, ‘Is she British? I thought she was American.’ I just said to them, ‘I don’t think I’m who you think I am.'”
Daniel Craig
We’re seeing double when it comes to 007 (ha, get it?)! Jason Kent looks exactly like Daniel Craig a.k.a. James Bond, and he loves it! The Brit revealed, “It’s great being mistaken for James Bond.”

He continued, “I get stopped in the street nearly every time I go out. I have people wanting their photo taken with me. I’ve even had some believing I was him. I love it and will never get fed up with it.”
Rebecca Maiellano not only looks just like Shakira, but she also has a similar skill set, as Maiellano is a singer too! Rebecca has said, “The public that decides to follow me values me for the work I do on the stage.”

She continued, “They value the singing and the professional dance I perform, but on the day-to-day, they know that I am still Rebeca Maiellano, a Venezuelan singer and impersonator.” Maybe the two dopplegängers can do a duet?
Colin Farrell
James Martin works as a Colin Farrell impersonator, and we can see why! The London native has expressed that looking like the A-lister has made it difficult for him to get a girlfriend, although he admits that there are some perks to his Farrell-like appearance.

Apparently, the lookalike gets VIP treatment when he goes out, despite the fact that he’s always honest about his real identity. Martin believes it’s because “they may have thought it looked good for their clubs” to have “Colin” there.
Selena Gomez
Sofia Solares hopes that her physical similarities to Selena Gomez will score her a meet-and-greet with the pop star. Solares says that she’s often mistaken for the singer while out and about in her hometown in Mexico. Sofia expressed, “It’s not something that I dislike, but I like it better when they love me for being myself.”

She has admitted to imitating a look or two of Gomez’s from time to time, though. It makes sense, doesn’t it? If something looks good on Selena, it’ll probably look good on Sofia too!
Bruno Mars
Johnny Matos sings, dances, and looks exactly like Bruno Mars. Matos uses his uncanny Mars-esque appearance for his work as a Bruno Mars impersonator in his home country of Brazil. Clearly, Johnny is onto something here, as his videos have over 10 million videos on YouTube!

Fans of Bruno don’t need to worry about the star being mocked, though, as Johnny’s work stems from a place of admiration. The impersonator’s Twitter bio describes him as a “great fan that pays homage to Bruno Mars (my idol).”
John Lennon
Javier Parisi is one professional impersonator who doesn’t have to compete with the real deal, as his lookalike is sadly no longer with us. The Argentinian musician pays tribute to John Lennon by performing his songs, while looking exactly like the Beatle himself.

Parisi admits, though, that his similarities to Lennon aren’t exactly accidental. “My resemblance is something natural but I work hard in my appearance (look-alike) equally. People get astonished and excited when they see me.”
Celine Dion
Lilian De Melo is an English teacher in Brazil who just happens to look like the legendary Celine Dion. Just to add to the freakiness, De Melo sings as well!

Lillian calls herself a ”Celine Dion lookalike. Mom of multiples, just like Celine! No, I haven’t had any procedure done to look like her, I just do!” We wonder if she teaches Dion’s songs to her students as part of her English lessons. That’d be one trippy class!
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Most people who work in law enforcement have to deal with being generally disliked, or judged as not being a whole lot of fun. Eric Fields probably doesn’t have to worry about that, though, because he looks just like the beloved Dwayne Johnson!

The Alabama officer happily said, “I’ve been called The Rock and Vin Diesel’s love child… I go along with it. It’s humorous. It’s flattering. It could be worse people, I guess.”
Daniel Radcliffe
We all know what a thirst trap is, but have you ever heard of “nerd traps?” Well, those are exactly what Felix Lalo makes for Harry Potter fans. The French recording artist often posts videos on his TikTok of him cosplaying as The Boy Who Lived with captions like “Harry Potter will see you now.”

All we can say is the nerd traps are clearly working, as Lalo’s videos have been viewed over 38.4 million times! We wonder if any of those views are from Daniel Radcliffe himself.
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez is known for her athletic abilities and toned figure, but have you ever wondered what she’d look like with even more muscle mass? Well, now you don’t have to. Bodybuilder Janice Garay looks exactly like a jacked-up JLo!

Once her photos started to get attention online, Garay clarified, “I was like, ‘No, I’m not J.Lo, I’m J from Houston.’ It never really crossed my mind to where the whole world says I look like J.Lo.”
Steve Harvey
Fans of Family Feud were in for a treat when they got an extra Steve Harvey in one episode! In a rare occurrence, these doppelgängers got to meet face-to-face when Olden came onto the game show as a contestant, and even the host couldn’t deny their similarities.

Harvey was kind enough to refer to Olden as his “better-looking twin” while Olden admitted that “every single day of my life, people will come up to me and call me Steve Harvey.”
Kenni Powe looks so similar to Lizzo that the model/activist has spoken out about how doubling as the celeb changed her life. Powe explained that she had to make adjustments “overnight” due to Lizzo’s sudden rise to fame.

“I’ve had to learn to adjust to the frequent stares, the airport chases, and cameras being in my face. It’s literally a daily occurrence, a cloud of constant confusion. And not a single day passes where I don’t hear about it.”
Emma Watson
Emma Watson is undeniably beautiful, but it’d also be fair to say that her look isn’t shockingly unique. Megan Flockhart seems to agree with this sentiment, as she often dresses up as various celebrities for social media, but admits that she looks most similar to Emma Watson.

Flockhart has joked, “I look like any white actress if you squint and tilt your head enough.” When people squint and tilt their heads at us, we kind of look like lumpy potatoes — so you’re not doing too bad Megan!
Kylie Jenner
Fyza Ali threw shade at her lookalike, Kylie Jenner, and at anyone who says they’re doppelgängers. The beauty blogger (yes, Ali is a beauty blogger too) pointed out, “If you came to Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, you’ll see all the girls look like them. The thing is, culturally and traditionally, a lot of women here don’t expose themselves online.”

She didn’t stop there, “Most women are very private. When we’re walking around Dubai, no one ever mentions the Kardashians. The Kardashians don’t even cross our mind unless someone says it online.”
Laura Dern
Maria Wojciechowski is a standup comedian who has an entire Instagram account dedicated to her mimicking Laura Dern. Maria revealed how it all began, saying, “Honestly, I didn’t know who Laura Dern was until people started telling me I looked like her. Jurassic Park played a lot on TV, so friends were constantly texting me about it.”

Apparently, on a whim, Wojciechowski posted a side-by-side photo of herself and Dern and it garnered tons of likes! The rest is history.
Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton’s story is that of a real-life fairytale. The Princess of Wales went from commoner to royal, practically overnight. Well, Heidi Agan has had a similar Cinderella story, thanks to being a spitting image of Kate Middleton herself!

Agan quit her waitressing job in order to become a full-time Middleton impersonator, and now enjoys life as a fake royal. Heidi gushed, “She’s a gorgeous, gorgeous lady and she carries herself extremely well, so for somebody to say that you look like her is just incredible.”
Kendall Jenner
Teona Chachua loves being told that she looks like Kendall Jenner, especially because she’s two years older than the reality star. The beauty vlogger crowed, “As soon as I started my videos and posting pictures people started commenting saying that I look like her.”

She went on, “It is nice when you get compared to someone as beautiful as she is. Sometimes, people double-take when they look at me in the street and sometimes even say, “Oh my god you look like Kendall.’”
Penn Badgley
For reasons we will never understand, women have fallen in love with Penn Badgley’s character Joe from the show You. Not unlike Joe himself would’ve done, Rico Lebron has found a way to take advantage of the female attention he receives for resembling the creepy stalker.

Lebron has created a TikTok account in which he reenacts scenes from the Netflix show, and often jokes, “I should have auditioned.” Rico also believes that he looks like John Mayer, who’s only slightly less icky than Joe.
Camila Cabello
Celina Sharma is a singer, just like her lookalike Camila Cabello! Knowing full well that the two could be twins, Sharma uses Cabello’s fame to aid her own career. Celina posts TikToks with captions like, “Everyone be saying I look like Camila.” She also asks her fans, “Who wants me to do a cover of Senorita?”

While a lot of up-and-coming artists would be concerned with looking so similar to someone who’s already made it, Celina recognized the business opportunity in the scenario.
Justin Bieber
Jade Vigars looks so similar to Justin Bieber that a video of him eating a Subway sandwich went viral because the paparazzi thought it was Bieber! Vigars laughed, “So many people commented… 80% of the comments were from people thinking I looked like Justin Bieber.”

He admitted that without the comparison, the video wouldn’t have reached the 1.7 million people that it did. “Otherwise it’s just a video of me eating a Subway.” To this day, people still think it’s Justin in the clip!
Dove Cameron
Alyssa McKay is an actress and Dove Cameron lookalike, the latter of which boosts her career. McKay often mimics scenes that Cameron acted in for the Disney Channel on her own social media.

Despite being a successful influencer in her own right, the TikToker has no problem capitalizing on the fact that she’s a doppelgänger. In fact, McKay created a YouTube video captioned, “I get compared to DOVE CAMERON literally 24/7, so I thought it may be fun to attempt to recreate some of her Instagram pictures for you guys!”
Zayn Malik
Being a model in his own right, it took some time for Flamur Ukshini to realize that he was getting a little too much recognition on the street, and people must be confusing him with Zayn Malik.

Ukshini admitted, “In the beginning, I didn’t realize we looked the same, because I didn’t know him. But when people on the street wanted to take pictures with me I was surprised, but then I started to realize that I look very much like somebody I don’t know and who has to be famous.”
Charli D’Amelio
The world seems intent on pitting TikTokers Charli D’Amelio and Ellie Zeiler against each other. Apparently, people think the world isn’t big enough for two influencers who look exactly the same (um, who’s gonna break it to people that most influencers look alike because they use all the same filters?)

However, the two women are actually friends! Zeiler has said that she loves her work because “I get to have more connections with fun people.” Meanwhile, D’Amelio clarified, “I think there are a lot of people that look like me.”
Elton John
David Bills’ journey as an Elton John lookalike all started when the non-celeb dressed up as the singer for his brother’s birthday party. Since then, Bills has discovered the joy of pretending to be a celebrity.

“It’s great fun, a lot of people do a double take which is always funny and appreciated. I was at Elton’s concert in Leicester UK a couple of years ago and of course, I dressed as Elton and got mobbed by people all night and even had to sign a few autographs.”
Tom Cruise
Apparently, even AI can’t tell the difference between Jerome LeBlanc and Tom Cruise! LeBlanc’s social media accounts were deactivated due to suspicions that he was impersonating the celebrity.

Well, now, Jerome gets paid to do just that. LeBlanc spoke about his unusual career saying, “It’s been an awesome journey. I do this full-time as a job. People really love to take photos with me, even though they know I’m the young version. The nostalgia is a strong feeling, it brings people back in the ‘80s.”
Mila Kunis
Mila Kunis already has a celebrity lookalike in Sarah Hyland (Haley from Modern Family) but she has a regular person doppelganger too.

The Kunis clone has said, “In person, so many people have said to me “You know who you look like?” and I’ll always already know what they are about to say so I say (Mila Kunis) and then they always say “that girl from That ‘70s show!” Hey, there are a lot worse fates in life than looking like “that girl!”
Robbie Williams
Tony Lewis looks so similar to Robbie Williams that even other celebs, such as Liam Gallagher, have gotten the two mixed up. Interestingly, the two are more connected than just by appearance. Lewis is married to one of Williams’ former backup dancers!

Tony aptly said, “In a way, Robbie has not just given me a career – he’s also shaped my life and my family’s lives as well.” He’s had the opportunity to meet Williams to tell him that, and describes the singer as “super cool” and “supportive.”
Samuel L. Jackson
To be honest, we don’t really see this one. However, we’re clearly on the outs with that opinion, because Samuel L. Jackson’s lookalike has gotten work for his similarities to the actor. We think it’s the eyes that are throwing us off… Jackson’s stare has an intensity that his doppelganger doesn’t match.

Well, regardless of what we think, this lookalike has countered, “I get people every day telling me I look like Samuel L. Jackson. It’s amazing! I actually did work with him as a photo double and stand-in.”
Álvaro Morte
Álvaro Morte is hugely famous in his home country of Spain, but Americans mostly know him as the Professor from La Casa de Papel, or Money Heist, in English. While we don’t think this man looks like Morte the celebrity, we do think he looks exactly like the Professor!

The doppelganger says being mistaken for the character is “fun” because “People always talk to me on the street, ask me for photos, and want to make videos with me to send to their friends.”
Mariah Carey
This is easily one of the closest lookalikes we’ve seen! This Mariah Carey doppelganger loves being mistaken for the singer, which happens on a regular basis – and we can see why!

She gushed, “When I make an appearance at an event as a Mariah Carey impersonator, it’s such a fabulous experience. Everyone is always happy to see someone in the likeness of the queen. People are always so kind and supportive.” We wonder if she can sing like Carey.
Justin Timberlake
Peter Lillyman began his career as a Justin Timberlake impersonator when flight attendants mistook him for the star at JFK airport. He now works as a full-time fake Timberlake, model, and – just like the real Justin – actor.

Lillyman has stated, “People get really excited when they see me. For me, it’s an honor to look like someone so loved and respected by his fans. My hope is that I bring a little of that JT—ness to everyone I meet.”
Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi has quite a few lookalikes, which makes us wonder how many of them would be able to keep their doppelganger status if the athlete shaved his beard. For now, though, this man loves resembling the star.

He said, “It’s an honor to look like the best soccer player in history. It’s amazing when people ask for selfies with me, and it’s so weird, but people think I’m the real Messi. In fact, I’m the Israeli Messi.”
Sophie Turner
This young woman has seen both the highs and lows of celebrity life, despite the fact that she doesn’t actually work in Hollywood.

The Sophie Turner lookalike revealed, “It actually started as a joke between my friends back in high school. I get the ‘Oh my gosh you look like that lady I watch on TV’ a lot. I’ve had people stop me on the street and ask for pictures. I had a guy once yell out of his car at me. That was intense.”
Liam Hemsworth
We’re absolutely convinced that Karen Khachanov could be the long-lost fourth Hemsworth brother, as the Russian tennis player looks exactly like Liam! It’s not just us who thinks that, as Khachanov revealed, “My agent wanted to arrange a meeting.”

Unfortunately, it didn’t work out the last time Karen was in the USA, but he teased he’d try again “maybe in the future.” If Hemsworth ever needs to play the role of a tennis player, we’ve got the perfect stunt double for him!
Miley Cyrus
Mardee Shackleford looks so similar to Miley Cyrus that even Cyrus’ dad, Billy Ray has commented on the resemblance! Luckily, Shackleford only seems to be experiencing the sweet sides of fame.

She’s said, “Several times I have been sitting in traffic and people have slid open the back door of their car and kids will start yelling, ‘Miley!’ Sometimes, it feels like I am actually famous or a celebrity, just on a really small scale. It’s been really fun for me.”
Kate Moss
People have been confusing Denise Ohnona for Kate Moss ever since she was a teenager, and the modelesque mom doesn’t seem to mind!

Ohnona has said, “I get mistaken for her on a daily basis now — especially when I am out in central London — that’s where the paps tend to find me… However even members of the public get us confused, and I get asked to pose for selfies in nightclubs and in the supermarket all the time.”
Ryan Gosling
Johannes Laschet is a law student, fashion blogger, and son of one of his country’s leaders. However, he isn’t known for any of those things. Instead, Laschet is famous for being a Ryan Gosling lookalike!

Johannes says that he’s often approached by Gosling’s fans, who are undoubtedly disappointed to find that the Canadian actor has suddenly developed a German accent. Maybe they think he’s method acting? Either way, Laschet has a good attitude about it. He joked, “It’s better than when people say that I look like Danny DeVito.”
John Legend
People always joke that John Legend doesn’t appear to age. Well, that may be a bit closer to the truth than we first thought. Winning the title of World’s Cutest Doppelganger, Legend’s lookalike is literally a baby.

Baby Jackson’s aunt posted a photo on Twitter with the caption, “My nephew looks like John Legend lol.” The internet seemed to agree, as Jackson’s picture went viral! One witty person advised that we keep an eye out for Baby Jackson’s first single, “Ordinary Baby!”
They say that everyone has a twin out there somewhere, so it makes sense that’d hold true for celebrities too. However, being a famous person’s doppelganger is very different than just kind of looking like your accountant. These ordinary people have found themselves chased down by fans and stalked by paparazzi, all because they look exactly like A-listers. Check out these freaky similarities and see if you can spot the difference!